A henway simulation with 4 players and 1000 trials

Game Players
1 2 3 4

Rank # of Wins /
# of Occurances
Chance of
Chance of
Chance of
being the
winning hand
Straight Flush 20/20 0.5% 100% 2%
Four of a Kind 55/55 1.4% 100% 5.5%
Full House 603/966 24.2% 62.4% 60.3%
Flush 206/692 17.3% 29.8% 20.6%
Straight 89/717 17.9% 12.4% 8.9%
Three of a Kind 5/74 1.9% 6.8% 0.5%
Two Pair 22/1358 34% 1.6% 2.2%
One Pair 0/118 3% 0% 0%
High Card 0/0 0% NAN% 0%