A WotR Onslaught Battle Simulation with 1000 trials

Onslaught 0
The attackers won 7 times. The defenders kept the stronghold 993 times,
including 0 mutual destructions. The battles took an average of 2 rounds.
Attacker HP
Frequency Sum
0 146 146
1 151 297
2 221 518
3 212 730
4 165 895
5 75 970
6 26 996
7 4 1000
8 0 1000
9 0 1000
Defender HP
Frequency Sum
0 7 7
1 36 43
2 94 137
3 200 337
4 246 583
5 236 819
6 144 963
7 37 1000

Onslaught 1
The attackers won 12 times. The defenders kept the stronghold 988 times,
including 0 mutual destructions. The battles took an average of 2 rounds.
Attacker HP
Frequency Sum
0 271 271
1 214 485
2 211 696
3 179 875
4 91 966
5 25 991
6 9 1000
7 0 1000
8 0 1000
9 0 1000
Defender HP
Frequency Sum
0 12 12
1 43 55
2 131 186
3 201 387
4 275 662
5 217 879
6 94 973
7 27 1000

Onslaught 2
The attackers won 19 times. The defenders kept the stronghold 981 times,
including 0 mutual destructions. The battles took an average of 2 rounds.
Attacker HP
Frequency Sum
0 428 428
1 268 696
2 174 870
3 98 968
4 28 996
5 4 1000
6 0 1000
7 0 1000
8 0 1000
9 0 1000
Defender HP
Frequency Sum
0 19 19
1 57 76
2 140 216
3 215 431
4 252 683
5 230 913
6 66 979
7 21 1000

Onslaught 3
The attackers won 22 times. The defenders kept the stronghold 978 times,
including 2 mutual destructions. The battles took an average of 1.8 rounds.
Attacker HP
Frequency Sum
0 503 503
1 333 836
2 118 954
3 36 990
4 10 1000
5 0 1000
6 0 1000
7 0 1000
8 0 1000
9 0 1000
Defender HP
Frequency Sum
0 24 24
1 42 66
2 139 205
3 245 450
4 237 687
5 201 888
6 91 979
7 21 1000

Onslaught 4
The attackers won 13 times. The defenders kept the stronghold 987 times,
including 3 mutual destructions. The battles took an average of 1.6 rounds.
Attacker HP
Frequency Sum
0 579 579
1 361 940
2 49 989
3 11 1000
4 0 1000
5 0 1000
6 0 1000
7 0 1000
8 0 1000
9 0 1000
Defender HP
Frequency Sum
0 16 16
1 38 54
2 134 188
3 229 417
4 271 688
5 221 909
6 86 995
7 5 1000

Reg Elite Leader
Free Presses:
Presses left before
reducing an Elite:

You have just finished a round of combat, and need to decide how many units to spend on onslaught. This simulation helps with that decision. The forces listed are what you have before spending for onslaught.

Free Presses shows how many presses you have left (from Grond or additional attack dice). For example, if you have 0 free presses and 0 elites, the battle will end immediately after onslaught.

Press left before reducing an Elite controls how you take casualties. For example, if you have 2 regulars and 3 elites and need to take a casualty, should you reduce an elite or lose a regular? If you lose a regular, you're only rolling 4 dice, but you could potentially have an extra press.

Say you have 2 free presses and 2 elites in your army, so you have 4 presses left. If "Presses left before reducing an elite" is set to 4 or lower, you'll reduce an elite when you need to take a casualty (and then you'll have only 3 presses left). If the value is set to 5 or higher, you'll lose a regular (reducing your combat strength below 5).

Of course, if you have more than 5 combat strength, the simulation will always take regulars as casualties first. When continuing battles, free presses are always used before reducing elites to press.